Physical therapy, also referred to as physiotherapy, is a specialized therapy service provided by a licensed professional with the goals of maintaining, promoting, and restoring a patient’s overall health. Physical therapy treats a variety of chronic conditions, illnesses, and injuries that cause extreme pain, limit mobility, and affect a person’s daily living.
At ProFizix Physical Therapy and Wellness, our therapists provide care through a combination of Eastern medicine and holistic medicine. Treating a chronic condition successfully requires treating all areas of the body including the mind, gut, and physical ailment itself. By combining holistic and traditional practices, our therapists can provide nutritional counseling, patient education, and a variety of therapeutic services to enhance your treatment journey.
Our services range in complexity, from sports rehabilitation to getting you back to the game more quickly, to basic skills of helping you sit upright unassisted or stand and walk with little to no help. With age, many people experience balance disorders, making it more difficult to perform tasks alone. However, with treatment, you can lead a full life without the need to consistently ask for help.
Whether you are an active member participating in sports or are hoping to heal from an existing injury, call today to see how physical therapy could benefit you.